
Exhibit: Water Acoustics

Freshwater – usually one of the first things we think about when we think about water, mainly because it is essential to us. At its source, freshwater takes many forms, such as creeks, streams, lakes, and rivers. When most people picture these water forms, they most likely associate both image and sound with each of those words. While the image component of the “picture” is interesting, the sonic part is arguably more so, as there are multiple perspectives involved. Although the soundscape as we hear it above water is generally familiar to everyone, many generally imagine what it sounds like underneath assuming it produces a sound similar to what they hear above the surface. This is a general misconception, and the actual sounds can be played and will be described.

Freshwater is also interesting because of the life around the scene that is part of the soundscape and because of the flow of water and possible aquatic life underneath that influence the overall soundscape. Questions can be posed that relate to how the animals adapt to their soundscape and how external forces influence their surroundings. Obviously, this is a very difficult question to answer, as it is difficult, as humans, to gauge the feelings and thoughts of animals such as aquatic insects and fish. We can at most guess, based on the reactions of the organisms and behavioral psychology, how this life is being impacted by disturbances. Because of this, the scope of our experiment will be appropriately narrowed in order to focus more on how outside forces, such as animal sounds, etc. possibly affect the nature of the soundscape underneath. More information can be found at our site,