The Shape of Sound: Sonic Responses to Daniela Cascella's En Abime
What shape does sound take? How can sound inform our knowledge of a space's shape? Can sound help shape our lives and even influence the world around us? In her book En Abime: Listening, Reading, and Writing, Daniela Cascella continually returns to the interactions between sound, silence, and the world around them. Much like words, sounds can take on many meanings depending on their surrounding context. A scream can mean excitement. Terror. Pleasure. A sigh can signify exhaustion. Sadness. Contentment. Peace. The same can be said for silence. Every sonic experience has another side, the potential for misunderstanding--the shape of sound begins to emerge. Hearing a sound repeatedly might bring on a sense of ritual, or might dull our senses, turning something meaningful into little more than background din. Sounds can inform our understanding of the world, and the world around us assists in making sense of the sounds and silences we encounter. This exhibit acts as a sonic response to En Abime, exploring the various shapes that sounds and silences can take and how sounds shape our understandings of ourselves.