

First-year Georgia Tech students in Dr. Lauren Neefe's spring 2018 English 1102 course, "Architectures of Sound: Poetry, Place, Politics," documented sounds in specific locations throughout Georgia Tech's Atlanta campus. They selected locations for their similarity to spaces in the university's Living Building, currently under construction, where sound will potentially affect or call attention to the Equity Petal objectives of the International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge.

From Georgia Tech's Living Building to the Proctor Creek Greenway

First-year Georgia Tech students in Dr. Lauren Neefe's summer 2018 course, "Architecture, Sound, Sustainability," recorded the sounds of traveling to and walking on the newly completed Proctor Creek Greenway on Atlanta's Westside. The latest portion of the city's renowned infrastructure project, the BeltLine, opened to the public in May 2018 and now confronts the challenge of developing without displacing some of Atlanta's most critically underserved neighborhoods. After studying the Equity Petal of the Living Building Challenge, the students documented the "aural architecture" of their new neighbors' own "living laboratory."


Sounds of recording technology from Prof. Mueller's Eastman seminar, Recording 20th Century Music, Fall 2016


Sounds recorded in the context of the course Spanish 327S: Literature, Sound and Power in Latin America, spring 2017


Recordings from Writing 101: Sound and the City, Spring 2016, Duke University


Soundscape recordings from MUSIC 190S: Sonic Ecology, Spring 2015, Duke University


A compilation of recordings by students enrolled in the course, Storytelling in Medicine and Health, Fall 2018, at Duke University. These sounds represent and emulate moments in the narratives of those who receive and give care. Throughout our semester together, we strove to better understand the importance of personal narratives in the healthcare setting. We paid attention to the oftentimes overlooked aspects of storytelling in medicine through close readings of narratives and shared the impact of our own medical and health experiences. In composing this Sonic Dictionary Collection, we hope to shed light on another overlooked aspect of medicine and health: the sensory experience of patient and caregiver. The collection includes sounds that capture ecclesial experiences one might have in a hospital, representations of the multitude of activities in Duke research labs, innocuous sounds that permeate each corridor of the hospital, barriers to healthcare delivery, and potential avenues towards improving wellness. The sounds might contribute to further discussions on how one can re-imagine medicine and health in a holistic manner.

The present collection explores sounds in various healthcare settings, ranging from the VA hospital to Duke Hospital’s worship spaces to Duke Children’s Hospital. Other sounds included may represent self care and personal aspects of wellness outside of the hospital, such as boiling water for tea or a sports practice. The collection teaches us about the shared experience of health care, across generations and across religions. Across generations because the sounds in this collection are featured in pediatric, adult, and geriatric spaces, and across religions because the sounds recognize the varied practices of worship that occur in health settings. Unity in health care is not derived from the individual interactions, conversations, but from the collection of sounds contributed to the health space through these individual conversations, acts, actions. We present this collection in hopes that others may listen to the individual pieces and acquire appreciation for their uniqueness and their singularity. We hope the listener can then weave the pieces together to obtain a global understanding of how sound unifies diverse health care spaces and unique definitions of wellness.


A compilation of the audio files found in the Water Acoustics exhibit and the website.