sounds of study

Philip Cary

This is a recording of the soundscape of the study space above the entrance and main lobby of the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons. This was recorded at mid-day on a Friday. Sounds of people walking and talking on the floor below can be heard. It was recorded with a Samsung Galaxy S8+.

WV 13
Erwin Junior Nana Nkwedjeu

Sound recording of the soundscape of a study room in Georgia Tech's West Village Dining Hall. A study room typically involves individuals with laptops, books, and pencils; thus, the sounds of keyboard typing, page turning, and pen/pencil writing create the feel of a quiet study environment. However, a dining hall infused in a large, open study area exists behind the thin door leading into the study room. The soundscape of the study room as a result was recorded in relation to the soundscapes of the adjacent open area.