Elevator Conversation
A conversation is heard between a health-care provider (Woman 1) and a visitor (Woman 2) in an elevator going from the main floor to the fourth floor. The mechanical sounds of the elevator can be heard in the background before the conversation begins. Without active conversation or other noise, this is a commonly-heard sound. In the crowded elevator, the two women discuss a mutually-known patient; the visitor recognizes the health-care provider and initiates a conversation. They discuss their shared recognition of the patient, but Woman 2 does not say the patient’s name due to adherence to the HIPAA “Privacy Rule.” Woman 1 agrees immediately, responding with, “right.” This illustrates a common interaction between visitors of patients and health-care providers.
Duke Hospital: Durham, NC
Elevators, Conversations, Hospitals, Duke Hospital
Woman 1 (Health Care Provider): “I’m in the cath lab.”
“Floor 4, going up,” is announced from the elevator, overlapping with the conversation.
Woman 2: “I thought I saw you!” (laughter)
Woman1: “Yeah, my friend just went in.”
Woman 2: “Okay.”
Woman 1: “I can’t say his name.”
Woman 2: “Right.”