Featured Sounds
Creator: Albones Barbecue
Creation Date: January 20, 2013 (date video was uploaded)November 2, 2013 (date accessed)
Featured Exhibits
In the field of athletics, there are many elements that go toward shaping a sports experience, for both the athlete and the spectator. A large part of this experience is sensory: visual, tactile, and even olfactory in some cases. But sports would be nothing without their auditory component: sounds, and specifically, their impact sounds.
An impact sound is that which arises from the collision of one object with another; for the purposes of this project, it is specifically a sound that arises from the collision of an athlete’s body with a sports surface, in any form it may present itself. The majority of these impact...
This exhibit examines the interaction of human and natural sounds in the naturescape, endeavoring to demonstrate that, in the modern world, it is nearly impossible to separate the two. Despite humanity’s best efforts to remove ourselves from “uncivilized” nature, we are nevertheless ourselves part of the natural environment, for better or worse. Humanity is inextricably linked to nature- we are just as much a part of the naturescape as a deer bounding through in a forest or lily pads floating on a green lake. Our challenge is to make ourselves a home in nature, becoming conscientious of the daily impacts which we cannot help but leave...
Oberlin College and Conservatory was established in the year 1833 and is well known for its academic and musical excellence. It is a place where people hear and listen in on the world from diverse perspectives. As such, there are many sounds that make up Oberlin College. "Overheard at Oberlin" is a sonic exhibit curated by sound students in the First Year Seminar titled "Soundscapes: Listening the Past/ Hearing the Present." "Overheard" showcases the aural cultures that define the people who live, work, and learn at Oberlin, both the institution and the town. By resourcing, researching, and curating the sounds that distinguish...
Featured Collections

Recordings from Writing 101: Sound and the City, Spring 2016, Duke University

A compilation of the audio files found in the Water Acoustics exhibit and the http://kne393.wix.com/water-acoustics website.

First-year Georgia Tech students in Dr. Lauren Neefe's spring 2018 English 1102 course, "Architectures of Sound: Poetry, Place, Politics," documented sounds in specific locations throughout Georgia Tech's Atlanta campus. They selected locations for their similarity to spaces in the university's Living Building, currently under construction, where sound will potentially affect or call attention to the Equity Petal objectives of the International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge.